Scaly Dayflower is a herb with shoots rather stout,
bases often with persistent dry leaves. Leaves are lanceshaped, 8 x 1
cm, base wedge-shaped, tip tapering. Spathe is ovate-tapering, 3.5 x
1.8 cm, clearly stalked. Sepals are 3, odd one lanceshaped, 4 mm;
laterals obovate, 6 mm, laterally fused. Petals are 3, odd one
lanceshaped, 5 mm; laterals rounded, 5 mm; claw 3 mm. Stamens 3;
filaments 8 mm; staminodes 3, each 4 mm. Ovary is oblong, hairy; style
twisted, 8 mm. Capsule is oblong, 6 x 4 mm, constricted in the middle
and pointed at tip; seeds 2.8 mm. Scaly Dayflower is found in
Peninsular India and Indonesia. Flowering: March-September.
Identification credit: Mayur Nandikar
Photographed in Maharashtra.
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